new server
(too old to reply)
2021-12-16 17:55:39 UTC
I just build an usenet server (dodin.fr.nf)
the goal is to spread the fr* hierarchy.
If you want, I can feed fr.*.
* I want to feed only fr*, what may I do?
Just ask for and read the documentation :
* is it possible, for the beginning to get only a small subset, for
testing purpose?
* don't seems to have cleanfeed in my openSUSE :-(. Any replacement? I
ask the openSUSE list as well
Cleanfeed is never packaged with INN, you can get it from :

the server if for now only dedicated to INN (but this may not be always
the case)
Serveur KS-7 - Intel i3-2130 - 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz - 2To SATA
Mine are on raspberry pi2 and pi4...
2021-12-16 19:14:16 UTC
* I want to feed only fr*, what may I do?
an usenet feed may include all usenet articles or a subset only.
you have to request a peer only for the fr.* hierarchy when you ask for
a feed.
* is it possible, for the beginning to get only a small subset, for
testing purpose?
not less than a single hierarchy unless you've got a valid resaon to
request a so small feed
* don't seems to have cleanfeed in my openSUSE :-(. Any replacement? I
ask the openSUSE list as well
an old version of cleanfeed is at https://github.com/crooks/cleanfeed
if you're using inn 2.6 consider to choose pycleanfeed but i don't
remember where it's stored
the server if for now only dedicated to INN (but this may not be always
the case)
you should use a modern version of inn2 (inn 2.6.4)

write me an email if you need your fist feed
Julien ÉLIE
2021-12-18 08:45:46 UTC
Hi Paolo,
Post by Aioe
an old version of cleanfeed is at https://github.com/crooks/cleanfeed
if you're using inn 2.6 consider to choose pycleanfeed but i don't
remember where it's stored
I'm running PyClean on my news server, and it works pretty well:
Julien ÉLIE

« Oublie les injures, n'oublie jamais les bienfaits. »
2021-12-18 11:54:55 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
Hi Paolo,
Post by Aioe
an old version of cleanfeed is at https://github.com/crooks/cleanfeed
if you're using inn 2.6 consider to choose pycleanfeed but i don't
remember where it's stored

in my openSUSE default install I have in the filter folder
Post by Julien ÉLIE
total 68
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 6653 7 juin 2021 filter_innd.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 12181 7 juin 2021 filter_innd.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 3015 7 juin 2021 filter_nnrpd.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 1047 7 juin 2021 INN.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 4198 7 juin 2021 nnrpd_access.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 3972 7 juin 2021 nnrpd_access.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 2806 7 juin 2021 nnrpd_auth.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 4496 7 juin 2021 nnrpd_auth.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 4410 7 juin 2021 nnrpd_dynamic.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 554 7 juin 2021 nnrpd.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 1326 7 juin 2021 startup_innd.pl

pretty old:

$Id: filter_innd.pl 9205 2011-06-13 15:08:31Z iulius $
## $Id: filter_innd.py 10263 2018-03-10 14:51:53Z iulius

is it enough for a filter, Or do I have to replace them with PyClean?

Julien ÉLIE
2021-12-18 21:57:44 UTC
Bonsoir Jean-Daniel,
Post by jdanield
in my openSUSE default install I have in the filter folder
total 68
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news  6653  7 juin   2021 filter_innd.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root news 12181  7 juin   2021 filter_innd.py

These are just samples to show what functions are available, but they do
not contain any code for spam filtering.
You have to provide your own filter_innd.pl (Cleanfeed) or
filter_innd.py (PyClean).
Post by jdanield
 $Id: filter_innd.pl 9205 2011-06-13 15:08:31Z iulius $
##  $Id: filter_innd.py 10263 2018-03-10 14:51:53Z iulius
is it enough for a filter, Or do I have to replace them with PyClean?
% ls -la /home/news/bin/filter
lrwxrwxrwx 1 news news 30 20 sept. 10:08 filter_innd.pl ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 news news 29 20 sept. 12:14 filter_innd.py ->

% ls -la /home/news/cleanfeed
-rwxr-xr-x 1 news news 95K 4 déc. 12:49 cleanfeed*
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 21 nov. 10:24 etc/
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 20 sept. 09:50 logs/

% ls -la /home/news/pyclean
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 20 sept. 12:11 articles/
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 20 sept. 12:10 etc/
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 27 sept. 12:47 lib/
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 18 déc. 00:32 log/
-rw-r--r-- 1 news news 66K 20 sept. 12:12 pyclean.py

One of them is enough. (I'm just running both for testing purpose.)

You can see that cleanfeed is 95K and pyclean.py 66K, much more than the
samples provided in a stock INN install.
Julien ÉLIE

« – Il l'aura voulu.
– Tu crois vraiment ? » (Astérix)
2021-12-19 08:47:35 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
These are just samples to show what functions are available, but they do
not contain any code for spam filtering.
ok, understood

2021-12-19 21:24:38 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
lrwxrwxrwx 1 news news 29 20 sept. 12:14 filter_innd.py ->
Post by Julien ÉLIE
% ls -la /home/news/pyclean
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 20 sept. 12:11 articles/
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 20 sept. 12:10 etc/
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 27 sept. 12:47 lib/
drwxr-xr-x 2 news news 4,0K 18 déc. 00:32 log/
-rw-r--r-- 1 news news 66K 20 sept. 12:12 pyclean.py
I have pyclean.py there

Have I to create the other folders?

Julien ÉLIE
2021-12-19 22:19:16 UTC
Bonsoir Jean-Daniel,
Post by jdanield
lrwxrwxrwx 1 news news   29 20 sept. 12:14 filter_innd.py ->
% ls -la /home/news/pyclean
drwxr-xr-x  2 news news 4,0K 20 sept. 12:11 articles/
drwxr-xr-x  2 news news 4,0K 20 sept. 12:10 etc/
drwxr-xr-x  2 news news 4,0K 27 sept. 12:47 lib/
drwxr-xr-x  2 news news 4,0K 18 déc.  00:32 log/
-rw-r--r--  1 news news  66K 20 sept. 12:12 pyclean.py
I have pyclean.py there
Have I to create the other folders?
I would at least create "etc" and put there the 4 configuration files
(with the name of your local server in local_hosts):
- etc/local_hosts
- etc/log_rules
- etc/ih_substrings
- etc/pyclean.cfg

I think the other folders will be created by PyClean. In case it does
not work, try to create the other folders.
You will normally see log/pyclean.log if PyClean is correctly seen by
INN. Otherwise, have a look at your news log files (like news.crit,
news.err and news.notice) to see if something is wrong somewhere. And
make sure Python filtering is enabled.

% ctlinnd mode
Python filtering enabled
Julien ÉLIE

« If you lie to the compiler, it will get its revenge. » (Henry Spencer)
2021-12-20 08:47:51 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
% ctlinnd mode
Python filtering enabled
well... fail. perl is enabled, but python option is not even present in
ctlinnd here :-(

I just have to revert to cleanfeed...

sorry for the disturbance :-(

Julien ÉLIE
2021-12-20 21:48:43 UTC
Bonsoir Jean-Daniel,
Post by jdanield
Post by Julien ÉLIE
% ctlinnd mode
Python filtering enabled
well... fail. perl is enabled, but python option is not even present in
ctlinnd here :-(
Oh, wait a minute. Reading your answer, I remember that this "Python
filtering disable|enabled" line will be present in INN 2.6.5 (not yet
released). I recently added it, when I saw the comment was present for
Perl but not for Python.
So, it is normal you do not see it.
Post by jdanield
I just have to revert to cleanfeed...
What is the result of:
ctlinnd reload filter.python ''

You'll see with that command whether Python support is really available.
If the command returns "Unknown reload type", it won't be a good
sign... and then, yes, you'll probably want to use Perl cleanfeed spam
Julien ÉLIE

« – I see the world didn't end yesterday.
– Are you sure? » (Alan Moore, _Watchmen_)
2021-12-20 22:00:31 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
sign... and then, yes, you'll probably want to use Perl cleanfeed spam
it's not a big deal.

right now my INN session don't start with "aioe funnel_bad", but I guess
it's simply because my aioe config is not yet accepted aioe side

in this Christmas period, I don't expect fast answer :-)

2021-12-20 09:46:28 UTC
Post by Aioe
* I want to feed only fr*, what may I do?
an usenet feed may include all usenet articles or a subset only.
you have to request a peer only for the fr.* hierarchy when you ask for
a feed.
yes, it's what I want
Post by Aioe
* is it possible, for the beginning to get only a small subset, for
testing purpose?
not less than a single hierarchy unless you've got a valid resaon to
request a so small feed
ok, not a problem for me
Post by Aioe
* don't seems to have cleanfeed in my openSUSE :-(. Any replacement? I
ask the openSUSE list as well
I have INN 2.6.2-bp153.3.3.1 (openSUSE Leap 15.3, up to date)
Post by Aioe
an old version of cleanfeed is at https://github.com/crooks/cleanfeed
if you're using inn 2.6 consider to choose pycleanfeed
tryed it (with Julien help), but my INN version is not python friendly
:-(. So installed cleanfeed from; github:

Post by Aioe
write me an email if you need your fist feed
I expect instructions, because my inn do not start anymore, for obvious

déc. 20 10:30:31 ns507557 innd[19235]: aioe funnel_bad

my report:


2021-12-20 10:11:21 UTC
Post by jdanield
I expect instructions, because my inn do not start anymore, for obvious
déc. 20 10:30:31 ns507557 innd[19235]: aioe funnel_bad
Maybe bad configuration in innfeed.conf and newsfeeds :

in newsfeeds :

in innfeed.conf :
peer aioe {
ip-name: news-in.aioe.org
# dynamic-method: 1
# bindaddress6: none
Post by jdanield
Have you updated your active file?


For fr as news :
curl \
| /usr/lib/news/bin/docheckgroups -u\
| /usr/lib/news/bin/mod-active
2021-12-21 07:39:50 UTC
Post by jdanield
déc. 20 10:30:31 ns507557 innd[19235]: aioe funnel_bad
nope. I had copied the config for peer aioe, but the link is not yet
established, so the error is normal. I commented out theses parts and
INN runs again.

2021-12-21 10:41:19 UTC
Post by jdanield
Post by jdanield
déc. 20 10:30:31 ns507557 innd[19235]: aioe funnel_bad
nope. I had copied the config for peer aioe, but the link is not yet
established, so the error is normal. I commented out theses parts and
INN runs again.
You can ask me by mail a peering!

bad funnel maybe a bad line in newsfeed configuration file :


Or bad Unix rights :
2021-12-21 12:27:27 UTC
Post by yamo'
You can ask me by mail a peering!
that's ok, but your mail seems invalid. Mine is not, you can email me t
begin the share
I did copy/paste the aioe config, but I guess it have to be the same at
the other side to work. Here, after commenting out aioe config it works

thanks, I wait for your mail :-). But I need step by step instructions,
it's my first time here :-(

2021-12-22 13:28:00 UTC
My Reply-to is valid but I have sent you a mail.
yes, received it.
thank to yamo's hints (given in private mail) I could make my inn to
start with peers data: the innfeed option in newsfeeds was commented out...

2021-12-23 09:20:26 UTC
Post by jdanield
thank to yamo's hints (given in private mail) I could make my inn to
start with peers data: the innfeed option in newsfeeds was commented out...
Your feeding may work but in the other side you don't have configured my
feed in incoming.conf
2021-12-23 14:47:10 UTC
I have. I just restarted inn in case
dodin:0 cxnsleep response unknown: 502 502 IHAVE command disabled by
sorry, I have no idea of what that mean.

groups and contents (articles) seems to be shared between us :-)

I also have other concern, but I have to read again this thread to check

2021-12-23 21:44:38 UTC
Hi jdd, I suspect that just maybe you are confusing your link with
yamo' to your link with my server (i2pn.org). Both directions with
i2pn and your server are working, and you and I discussed innfeed in
Retro Guy i2pn.org
oh... sorry.

it's right, I have only a working system with you (i2pn) and may be
aioe, but I didn't check this one yet.

I also had a message from yamo', with the necessary config (thanks!).

but right now I don't have a rock solid config, so it's probably better
not to have too many people in the loop if it turns bad :-(

So I will stay with you if you agree, until all is checked.

all in one it's much harder than I was thinking initially :-(. Specially
when Christmas knock at the door and most people (including me) have
also much other things to do :-)

thanks you all, guys and

happy Christmas!!


The Doctor
2021-12-16 23:55:22 UTC
I just build an usenet server (dodin.fr.nf)
the goal is to spread the fr* hierarchy.
I already used to have such a server, but only for private use, I never
feed any peer.
* I want to feed only fr*, what may I do?
* is it possible, for the beginning to get only a small subset, for
testing purpose?
* don't seems to have cleanfeed in my openSUSE :-(. Any replacement? I
ask the openSUSE list as well
the server if for now only dedicated to INN (but this may not be always
the case)
Serveur KS-7 - Intel i3-2130 - 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz - 2To SATA
I am doing this with Julien Elie , the current INN maintainer.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b
Merry Christmas 2021 and Happy New Year 2022 Beware https://mindspring.com
2021-12-17 18:12:56 UTC
Post by The Doctor
I am doing this with Julien Elie , the current INN maintainer.
I know him (I'm a member of french usenet comity), but I try to disturb
him as little as possible :-)

Nigel Reed
2021-12-17 00:37:55 UTC
On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:38:55 +0100
I just build an usenet server (dodin.fr.nf)
the goal is to spread the fr* hierarchy.
I already used to have such a server, but only for private use, I
never feed any peer.
* I want to feed only fr*, what may I do?
* is it possible, for the beginning to get only a small subset, for
testing purpose?
* don't seems to have cleanfeed in my openSUSE :-(. Any replacement?
I ask the openSUSE list as well
the server if for now only dedicated to INN (but this may not be
always the case)
Serveur KS-7 - Intel i3-2130 - 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz - 2To SATA
I have 305 fr. newsgroups. I have no idea if they have any traffic, but
you're welcome to a feed. See www.endofthelinebbs.com/peering.html for
details. Make sure you let me know what you want me to put in my config
for your feed.

End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
Retro Guy
2021-12-17 04:31:52 UTC
On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:38:55 +0100
I just build an usenet server (dodin.fr.nf)
the goal is to spread the fr* hierarchy.
* I want to feed only fr*, what may I do?
As others have already answered, it's a simple configuration to do so.
I currently have a couple of peers for specific hierarchies.

If you are interested in peering with i2pn.org (my servers) please just
send me an email at ***@i2pn.org and we can get set up.
Retro Guy <***@novabbs.com>