2021-12-16 17:55:39 UTC
I just build an usenet server (dodin.fr.nf)
the goal is to spread the fr* hierarchy.
If you want, I can feed fr.*.the goal is to spread the fr* hierarchy.
* I want to feed only fr*, what may I do?
Just ask for and read the documentation :<https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/inn/>
* is it possible, for the beginning to get only a small subset, for
testing purpose?
* don't seems to have cleanfeed in my openSUSE :-(. Any replacement? I
ask the openSUSE list as well
Cleanfeed is never packaged with INN, you can get it from :testing purpose?
* don't seems to have cleanfeed in my openSUSE :-(. Any replacement? I
ask the openSUSE list as well
the server if for now only dedicated to INN (but this may not be always
the case)
Serveur KS-7 - Intel i3-2130 - 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz - 2To SATA
Mine are on raspberry pi2 and pi4...the case)
Serveur KS-7 - Intel i3-2130 - 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz - 2To SATA