Billy G. (go-while)
2024-05-22 09:20:26 UTC
I have a question about your peering configuration:
Is this correct usage "!@..." ?
I thought to deny groups with wildcards only @ is needed?
without "!" in front?
Doc says in
....It is a uwildmat pattern supporting poison (@) wildcards; ...
... If a newsgroup matches an @ pattern in pattern, then not only is it
not added to the subscription list, but any articles crossposted to that
newsgroup also will not be sent to that site even if other newsgroups to
which it was crossposted are in that site's subscription list. This is
called a poison pattern (because matching groups are "poisoned").
Your config almost looks like from
but with many "!"
but missing it in "@*dateien*"?
better use this one from
@bofh: what is group "!ka.*" for? why don't you want it?
first line "@unidata.*",\ could be removed?
as it exists twice near the end?
if you tell your peers they should have cleanfeed
the newsfeed should have ":Af,Ap,Tm:innfeed!" ?
A checks
An article will only be sent to this site if it meets the requirements
specified in checks, which should be chosen from the following set.
checks can be multiple letters if appropriate. Note that this flag is
not effective on funnel targets; it has to be used on every funnel entry
(for instance, Af is not effective on the innfeed! funnel target and
therefore has to be specified on every funnelled news site).
Don't send articles rejected by filters. This is only useful when
dontrejectfiltered is set to true in inn.conf. With that variable set,
this lets one accept all articles but not propagate filtered ones to
some sites.
Only check the exclusions against the Path header field of articles;
don't check the site name. This is useful if your site names aren't the
same as the path identities in Path header fields added by those remote
sites, or for program feeds where the site name is arbitrary and
unrelated to the Path header field body.
Looking for peers (in near future) to feed to my archive.
Configuring a front/transit server at the moment, since a while.
Will contact you (all) when it's done.
Billy G.
I have a question about your peering configuration:
Is this correct usage "!@..." ?
I thought to deny groups with wildcards only @ is needed?
without "!" in front?
Doc says in
....It is a uwildmat pattern supporting poison (@) wildcards; ...
... If a newsgroup matches an @ pattern in pattern, then not only is it
not added to the subscription list, but any articles crossposted to that
newsgroup also will not be sent to that site even if other newsgroups to
which it was crossposted are in that site's subscription list. This is
called a poison pattern (because matching groups are "poisoned").
Your config almost looks like from
but with many "!"
but missing it in "@*dateien*"?
better use this one from
@bofh: what is group "!ka.*" for? why don't you want it?
first line "@unidata.*",\ could be removed?
as it exists twice near the end?
if you tell your peers they should have cleanfeed
the newsfeed should have ":Af,Ap,Tm:innfeed!" ?
A checks
An article will only be sent to this site if it meets the requirements
specified in checks, which should be chosen from the following set.
checks can be multiple letters if appropriate. Note that this flag is
not effective on funnel targets; it has to be used on every funnel entry
(for instance, Af is not effective on the innfeed! funnel target and
therefore has to be specified on every funnelled news site).
Don't send articles rejected by filters. This is only useful when
dontrejectfiltered is set to true in inn.conf. With that variable set,
this lets one accept all articles but not propagate filtered ones to
some sites.
Only check the exclusions against the Path header field of articles;
don't check the site name. This is useful if your site names aren't the
same as the path identities in Path header fields added by those remote
sites, or for program feeds where the site name is arbitrary and
unrelated to the Path header field body.
Looking for peers (in near future) to feed to my archive.
Configuring a front/transit server at the moment, since a while.
Will contact you (all) when it's done.
Billy G.