Jesse Rehmer
2022-06-18 18:50:26 UTC
I have followed what seems like a general consensus among text-only
peers to limit article size at 128/256k when setting up peering
arrangements. However, I've begun a project to back fill my spool using
tools like pullnews and suck from a large spool.
I never changed INN's max. article size from 1000000. Out of curiosity,
after filling a few Big8 hierarchies from the upstream spool, I searched
the spool for articles >500k and to my surprise I've been missing out on
a lot of valid and (in my opinion) valuable articles.
I'm finding a ton of FAQs, some checkgroup messages, lots of source code
discussions, etc. that I've never seen before. I read a thread from a
few years ago where Russ Allbery mentions by not accepting articles up
to 1MB you may be missing out on quite a bit. From a very quick scan of
what I've found larger than 500k, he's right.
Seems I've been a bit hasty requesting peering parameters around a 256k
limit. I assume this common peering parameter was adopted to limit the
chances of misplaced binary articles coming through a feed, but am
wondering how "harmful" it is to have such low limits when I'm seeing a
high rate of valid communication that I believe many news admins would
want to carry?
Admittedly, it usually takes trial and error with peers using Cyclone
(and quite a few with Diablo who disable its internal article type
check) to properly configure their feeds not to leak binaries to
text-only peers, but I'm not seeing much of that these days.
peers to limit article size at 128/256k when setting up peering
arrangements. However, I've begun a project to back fill my spool using
tools like pullnews and suck from a large spool.
I never changed INN's max. article size from 1000000. Out of curiosity,
after filling a few Big8 hierarchies from the upstream spool, I searched
the spool for articles >500k and to my surprise I've been missing out on
a lot of valid and (in my opinion) valuable articles.
I'm finding a ton of FAQs, some checkgroup messages, lots of source code
discussions, etc. that I've never seen before. I read a thread from a
few years ago where Russ Allbery mentions by not accepting articles up
to 1MB you may be missing out on quite a bit. From a very quick scan of
what I've found larger than 500k, he's right.
Seems I've been a bit hasty requesting peering parameters around a 256k
limit. I assume this common peering parameter was adopted to limit the
chances of misplaced binary articles coming through a feed, but am
wondering how "harmful" it is to have such low limits when I'm seeing a
high rate of valid communication that I believe many news admins would
want to carry?
Admittedly, it usually takes trial and error with peers using Cyclone
(and quite a few with Diablo who disable its internal article type
check) to properly configure their feeds not to leak binaries to
text-only peers, but I'm not seeing much of that these days.