Larger than expected volume of duplicates?
(too old to reply)
Jesse Rehmer
2022-05-26 15:37:57 UTC
Is anyone else seeing a larger than normal amount of duplicate articles
the last few days?

Since May 23 I'm seeing thousands of duplicate articles per day and
typically see a lot less.

I did upgrade to INN 2.7.0rc1 around this same time, so unsure if more
duplicates are being logged than previously, or if others are seeing the
same thing. It is not limited to a specific peer, but those who I
accept more articles from have a higher count.

Before I go too deep down the rabbit hole I was curious if other admins
were seeing the same.

Duplicate count for the last bit:

May 25 - 4843
May 24 - 2899
May 23 - 3607
May 22 - 220
May 21 - 49
May 20 - 101
May 19 - 292
May 18 - 355
May 17 - 801
May 16 - 59


The Doctor
2022-05-26 19:56:56 UTC
Post by Jesse Rehmer
Is anyone else seeing a larger than normal amount of duplicate articles
the last few days?
Since May 23 I'm seeing thousands of duplicate articles per day and
typically see a lot less.
I did upgrade to INN 2.7.0rc1 around this same time, so unsure if more
duplicates are being logged than previously, or if others are seeing the
same thing. It is not limited to a specific peer, but those who I
accept more articles from have a higher count.
Before I go too deep down the rabbit hole I was curious if other admins
were seeing the same.
May 25 - 4843
May 24 - 2899
May 23 - 3607
May 22 - 220
May 21 - 49
May 20 - 101
May 19 - 292
May 18 - 355
May 17 - 801
May 16 - 59
I run daily sanp And I am not seeing that.
Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b
Ontario, stop the madness and on 2 June vote Liberal! Beware https://mindspring.com
Julien ÉLIE
2022-05-26 20:34:47 UTC
Hi Jesse,
Post by Jesse Rehmer
I did upgrade to INN 2.7.0rc1 around this same time, so unsure if more
duplicates are being logged than previously, or if others are seeing the
same thing.  It is not limited to a specific peer, but those who I
accept more articles from have a higher count.
AFAIK, there aren't any recent changes about how duplicates are handled.
INN 2.7.0 does not behave differently than 2.6.x as for that.
Post by Jesse Rehmer
May 25 - 4843
May 24 - 2899
May 23 - 3607
May 22 - 220
May 21 - 49
May 20 - 101
May 19 - 292
May 18 - 355
May 17 - 801
May 16 - 59
The numbers were also changing drastically before (59 -> 801 -> 355 ->
... -> 49)...
Julien ÉLIE

« Il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte. » (Mme du Deffand)
Jesse Rehmer
2022-05-26 20:54:52 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
AFAIK, there aren't any recent changes about how duplicates are handled.
 INN 2.7.0 does not behave differently than 2.6.x as for that.
I didn't think so, but the timing of my upgrade corresponded almost
exactly when I noticed an uptick. It is the only change I've made recently.
Post by Julien ÉLIE
The numbers were also changing drastically before (59 -> 801 -> 355 ->
... -> 49)...
They do fluctuate, but looking back through my INN reports prior to the
last couple days the highest duplicate count in a 24 hour period was
842. It is not causing a problem, just an odd increase. When I examine
headers of duplicate articles I do not find any commonality (posting
host, peer, etc.).
Julien ÉLIE
2022-05-27 19:59:29 UTC
Hi Jesse,
Post by Jesse Rehmer
They do fluctuate, but looking back through my INN reports prior to the
last couple days the highest duplicate count in a 24 hour period was
842.  It is not causing a problem, just an odd increase.  When I examine
headers of duplicate articles I do not find any commonality (posting
host, peer, etc.).
It would be interesting to know where the duplicates come from.

news.aioe.org receives about 12,000 articles a day, with 0 duplicate.

Same thing for my news server, 0 duplicate (but with less articles,
about a thousand a day).

Aren't your peers streaming you articles? (CHECK before TAKETHIS, that
is to say they ask whether you have a give Message-ID before sending you
the article; otherwise, if they send you articles directly without
checking you already have them, it will give duplicates...)
Julien ÉLIE

« Il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte. » (Mme du Deffand)