Post by Ivo GandolfoPost by Dnamesake "paganini" . . .
Niccolo Paganini was born to Antonio & Teresa Bocciardo-Paganini at the
house in 38 Passo di Gattamora (8E56:00,44N24:14), Repubblica di Genova
Sunday 27 October 1782 (AA/BR). Chiesa San Salvatore (8E55:53,44N24:14).
and he was the best violinist in the world, IMHO
arguably among if not the very best ever, but I did enjoy watching
and listening attentively to the worst violinist on the television
(okay, he was actually pretty good, and owned a 1729 Stradivarius):
Benjamin Kubelsky was born to Meyer & Naomi Emma Sachs-Kubelsky at
*Mercy Hospital(87W37:12,41N50:47) 2537 S. Prairie Avenue, Chicago
Illinois, Wednesday 14 February 1894 at 4:04 AM CST(AA/BC); *birth
certificate indicates Waukegan address. One-storey frame house 115
Hickory St(87W50:16,42N21:52); two-storey brick clothing store 110
N Genesee(87W49:54,42N21:41);one-storey frame house 319 Washington
(87W50:01,42N21:33); two-storey brick saloon 209-11 Washington(87W
49:55,42N21:34); two-storey frame house 312 S Sheridan Rd(87W49:47
42N21:21); two-storey brick & frame house 137 Sheridan Rd(87W49:49
42N21:38); one-storey frame clothing and furniture store 313-315 S
Genesee(87W49:52,42N21:21);two-storey brick house 324 S Genesee St
(87W49:54,42N21:19); one-storey frame clothing store 311 S Genesee
(87W49:52,42N21:21);two-storey frame house 518 Clayton St(87W50:11
42N21:45). Barrison Theatre 25 S Genesee(87W49:51,42N21:31).